Domestic Lighting Tips

Posted By: Matthew

Although it may seem an easy thing to do from the outset, getting you home’s lighting just right can often be a difficult task. Quite simply, if the light options in your home are too bright or too dim then you will not feel entirely uncomfortable.

Naturally, we here at The Lighting Superstore know more than a thing or two about choosing the right domestic light products for the right purposes. Therefore, we thought it would be only fair to share some of our wisdom and provide you with a few useful tips

Use task light options to illuminate particular places in your kitchen.

It is very important to have suitable light options in your kitchen. The general trend nowadays is to have various light arrangements above worktops and under cabinets as ceiling lights are now seen as being somewhat old-fashioned. Indeed, using task light options to enlighten a particular place in your kitchen can often prove to be very beneficial indeed.

Keep reading lamps at shoulder height in your home office

Reading lamps should always be installed so that they sit at shoulder height. If you write with your right hand then site the lamp on your left side as this will afford you shadow-free light whilst you work. Naturally, swap the sides over if you are left-handed.

Use accent light options to illuminate artwork in your living room
Of course, you will more than likely have a mixture of different light options in your living room. Whilst general and task interior lighting is necessary for things like reading and watching television; special consideration should be given to your accent light options. Indeed, these decorative aspects can help to make your living room feel far more stylish and balanced, especially when they are used to focus on pieces of artwork and/or attractive ornaments.

Use chandeliers and colourful silk lanterns in your dining room
Chandeliers and colourful silk lanterns look very beautiful when illuminated so having them in your dining room will ensure you always have a pleasant ambient hue resonating around the room whilst you eat. To be sure, these charming illuminators can make your dining room look far more aesthetically attractive so they really are the ideal option for your chief entertaining room. 

Have two bedside lamps in your bedroom
Bedroom light options need to fulfil the duel function of making your bedroom feel relaxing yet romantic. Having bedside lamps on both sides your bed will help you to achieve this as it will provide a natural visual balance and allow you to choose how bright you want the room to be. 

So, there you go. Keep these tips in mind and your home too can be lit in a warm, functional and stylish way!


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